Friday, December 19, 2008

Bob is on vacation now, though he won't be home until morning. I'm excited about having holiday break together. He had a good last day before break with his kids and I had a good busy Friday at work too.

It is better to light candles
than to curse the darkness.
It is better to plant seeds
than to accuse the earth.
The world needs all of our power
and love and energy,
and each of us has something that we can give.
The trick is to find it and use it,
to find it and give it away.
So there will always be more.
We can be lights for each other,
and through each other's illumination
we will see the way.
Each of us is a seed,
a silent promise,
and it is always spring.
Merle Shain

1 comment:

Mary said...

Enjoy the days with Bob home for vacation! (I know you will!)