I'm feeling happy this afternoon even though Bob stayed in Corpus this weekend to save gas and work on lesson plans. last night I went to synagogue with Ruth and Chris and enjoyed the singing and the warmth of the small reconstructionist group with which we are praying these days. It's good to see Ruth and Chris obviously connecting there, loved and supported. during the joys and oys segment, in which we talk about our lives, Chris announced Sprout's coming birth and talked about the sadness of having lost Mira just after announcing that pregnancy in synagogue. This time they are a full month further along and have no complications of any kind - so far so good. Joanna stopped by this morning and we went to the grocery store together and got a good talk in. She reports that all three kids are having a pretty good beginning of school. Home work will really heat up for K.K. when dance starts next week, but so far so good. I'm happy she is getting more dance scholarship this year. Every bit helps. Joanna looks healthy and pretty, she and Ruth both lovely in early pregnancy.
I haven't started scrap book or other projects yet - but it's only Saturday afternoon and I think I will get more done this solitary weekend than I did tow weeks ago - feeling hopeful and less blocked.
I am happy that you have a place which feels good to you where you can express your faith and happy that Chris announced Sprout's coming. I am just waiting to hear whether Sprout is boy or girl now. Excited along with the rest of you.
Glad also to hear that your three grandchildren are doing well and happy to hear that KK has more dance scholarship. I know she is more than averagely talented and am so happy for her.
Good to hear that all is going well with Ruth and Chris and that Joanna's kids are back in school and happy. Sorry Bob had to stay in CC this weekend but that you did ok. Next weekend will be sweeter.
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