Saturday, February 28, 2009

What a morning - beautiful perfect very early spring morning. I look out my window and see the earliest green buds on Danny's tree. Strong breeze has everything in motion and the sky is that delicate breath of blue that comes only with chilly late winter early spring mornings - so pure and soft, striped with white clouds. The red bud across the street is in full beauty now - a cloud of pinky purple blossom. And last night the waxing crescent moon set like a boat in the west with Venus uncannily bright right at it's corner (side by side) according to Star Date. I don't think I've ever taken in this configuration of moon and planet in this way - so brillint and beautiful.


Joe Hendricks said...

Any plans to plant 2 new trees for the newcomers? If so, what kind of trees? :-)

Ann said...

Victoria, We were looking at the same crescent moon with Venus in the corner, as we sat around the Florida campfire and had a grand Skywriter moment....warmer than our gibbous moon moment! How neat that you were looking at the same moon very nearly at the same moment!

Mary said...

Sounds like a lovely day!

mary j. said...

sounds like a lovely day, and a lovely weekend. what a magical night with KK and Ian. I have also appreciated the planet and moon duo in the sky recently, so close together. I'm looking forward to redbuds here, in fact I plan to plant several new ones here this spring from seedlings in mom's yard. We are a ways from green and buds yet, though, and currently enjoying our only real snow of the whole winter!