Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Storm blew through hard and loud - but fast. Should be a beautiful brisk oring to greet Liam - now if we can just do some sleeping here (Who me - excited? No way.) Thanks Mary and Judy, and everybody else keeping baby watch with me.


Peggy said...

Anxiously waiting for Liam and Andrea news! Good weather after a quick storm is a good sign for greeting a new life!

Mary said...

Wednesday morning here. Thinking of you all just a few hours before Liam is born!

Diane T said...

Joining you this morning, Victoria, as you excitedly await Liam's birth. Will be checking often for news.

mary j. said...

So exciting! I am in the Norfolk office this week but have still been keeping an avid watch on the baby news! Thinking of Ruth this morning...wow...so amazing that you all will meet Liam today!