Sunday, February 08, 2009

Joanna visited Seton Hospital one more time today because she was concerned that Andrea wasn't moving much - but Andrea of course started moving and kicking as soon as Jo got to the hospital - and heart beat and all such were fine. Bob and I took the kids and some comfort food out to Round Rock and saw her right after her hospital trip and she seemed good - strong - was going to eat and then go back to work for a little while. Tracy was working on laundry and moving some furniture they don't use now out into the garage. KK had homework and the boys headed out back to shoot baskets - seemed very normal, which I found comforting. I will probably spend part of my day off out there tomorrow to help with nesting activities.And Ruth has her ultrasound tomorrow which will result in a decision as I understand it, about whether to plan for induction or C section. Bob just headed back to Corpus, after taking me out for Indian dinner - yum!. I'm calm at this point really loved having him for an extra day enjoyed the kids, especially making valentines with them.


Mary said...

Glad that all was well with Joanna and Andrea...and I will stay tuned to hear what Ruth will do after she has her ultrasound. It is good that you have a day off tomorrow with all that is happening in your world. Glad to read about your calmness.

Judy Roney said...

I can see how having normal things going on around you would be such a comfort to you when everything is changing very quickly. I'm so glad all is well with Andrea and she just didn't feel like moving very much for a while. LOL