Wednesday, October 01, 2008

For Rosh Hoshanna, we Jews traditionally dip apples in honey to commemorate the sweetiness of ife. Tonight the eden image combined in my sleepy brain with this custo and I put toghether a poem that feels very true to me - my second Rosh Hoshanna reflecion for this year.


Fruit of the knowledge of good and evil,
bears seeds of doomsday destruction,.
bears seeds of creation, love, salvation,
Seeds of hope, and despair, begin neutral,
apple seeds undistinguishable, innocent, same.

Human choice, our knowledge of good or evil,
determine if we plant doomsday destruction.
determine if we pant creation, love, salvation.
I will dip my apple in honey, bestow sweetness,
Chosen seeds will grow in wholeness, shalom.

Victoriea Hendricks - September 30, 2008

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