Friday, December 28, 2007

Lou's funeral today was beautiful, a mass in the church down the road from his boyhood farm on which he lived until the time of his death. It is on the site of the church - demolished and rebuilt after hurricaine camage - in which he was an altar boy. Most of the names in the graveyard are Czech or Polish - comforting and a reminder of childhood to see "Pustejovsky, Secora, Nemecek, Kocurek" The priest who assisted with the mass was Jean's next door neighbor and friend in childhood - so much connection. Mark wrote and read a beautiful eulogy for Lou - remarking on his knowledge of Texas plants, his love of the wine cups in the spring, his kindness and good humor. Each of Lou;s grandchildren read a Bible verse. The church ladies served casseroles and cake and cleaned up after. It felt familiar and sweet.

Tomorrow I need to give the eulogy at Sophie's service - and pack to take the kids to the beach. I'm procrastinating - don't feel energized for either task. And tomorrow's Danny's ninth birthday. I know he is thrilled about being the birthday boy and taking a road trip and seeing the Gulf again. I want my energy to rise to meet his.


Anonymous said...

I do understand the feeling of not being energized to do certain things, especially around a death of someone you cared for, and after a funeral service of another person you knew, added on to the tragic death of Bhutto.

I hope that your time at the beach will be refreshing for both your body and mind.

mary j. said...

Victoria, I appreciate reading your reflections and sharing on Lou's death. I am glad he went suddenly, as he would have wished, after a long, full life. I'm sorry to hear of the loss; not matter how peaceful the circumstances/timing, I know Jean, Mark, you and many others will miss having him here in the physical world.

I hope you and the kids are having a marvelous time at the beach. What a wonderful tradition this is turning into. I can imagine Danny's excitement. I hope you have felt refreshed with enough energy going into the trip... and that you're having a great time!