Seventh night of Hanukkah - beginning to be a full menorah of lights - really illuminates the room. The kids were here this evening and each came in for a little while and just sat in the candle glow, commenting on its beauty. Danny, most like me in some ways, also said it was sad that there was about to stop being more light. Got to stay in the moment - still coming to full glory, not anticipate endings. That's a good repeated lesson for me.
Last night's answers - six ways to stay centered - didn't count exactly - realized a poem for my writing group is my answer here.
To Gather Strength
Sleep well. eat well,
walk every day.
Keep connected with friends,
far and near
Write, work, dance,
keep eyes on sky, sun, moon, stars,
play with or without children and puppies
leave no loving words unsaid,
bead, decorate, write letters, share memories, dream
be still, breathe, speak the truth,
ask for help, memorize poems
accept appreciation, offer appreciation
give to give, love to love, live to live
Seventh night question - What are seven sweet memories from childhood that light my life today?
I really like your blog Victoria--Peggy/Peggan
I love the poem "To Gather Strength." Words worth keeping to ponder when going through difficult times.....and even when one is not!
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