One of the faces of darkness I find most seductive is defensiveness. It's so easy to just want ot explain my point of view and why I'm not really all that wrong, even if I really am. Defensiveness shuts doors and blocks intimacy. It doesn't make me any less wrong. So tonight I commit to listening when I start to feel defensive and I light tonight's candle for all of us who work to listen to feedback without defensiveness and admit when we are wrong.
Wise thoughts here, Victoria. We all have to learn this lesson of non-defensiveness, I think.
Are you SEASTAR? This is Heidi, I wrote on a blog five years ago about my son Sully. You often commented, if I am indeed speaking to the same person. I am reengaging my writing and privately journaling about where I am five years later in this experience. Your comments were very valuable to me then. Even now, as I go back, your words still speak to me. I wanted to tell you, "thank you". I read your "about me" section on your blogger ID and can't help but feel the sense of a kindred spirit. I have thoughts, I have questions. I would love to communicate, five years later...
Heidi, yes, I am Victoria, the seastar you remember. I remember well your writings about Sully. I would also love to communicate atain, to share where we both are five years later.
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