Monday, December 05, 2011

I learned a concept from KK tonight. We were still studying the Fosse book and looking at pictures of dancers in improbable positions. I couldn't follow what might or might not not happen next. often it looked like a dancer might be about to fall. KK could predict a successful outcome each time and I asked her how she did it. She told me to follow the free foot, the one which was not bearing weight and to imagine how it could land. She says one always has to follow the free foot, the one that doesn't have pressure on it, that a choreographer invents moves by following the free foot. I started thinking beyond dance to life planning, how I can chart my next move by focusing on the naturally trajectory of the parts of me that are free, not bearing weight. There is an empowerment and grace in that concept that makes me very happy. That is probably also part of why writing feels so good right now. It's a free foot. Just for me. No pressure. I can let it take me where it will.


Anonymous said...

Enjoying your blog very much..a word of encouragement to continue...CA

Mary said...

Very interesting observation, Victoria. So true, I think, that lessons from 'art' can often translate into being lessons about 'life.'

Sarah said...

Victoria, I love this!