Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back at work today, no Liam time. No Grandma time at all. I do love my job and the atmosphere at work, ehte energy of the work I do. It is the only thing I've done (except maybe for writing when that is at its very best) that touches being as satisfying as deep personal relationships. It's relationships, connections that put me over the top. I like being part of the process of helping people grow, learn, discover, thrive. I can be sitting in the chair and a half with Liam watching his eyes light up because I kiss him in the right place and inflect my voice the way he likes on "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or in my office chair watching a young woman get it for the first time that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with her - that the people who abused her did what they did because of something in them, not something in her.Even with writing, with characters, so much of the joy is infeeling connedted.


Judy Roney said...

I think you have the perfect job for you also, Victoria. I love to hear when any one loves their job as you do. I love what you said about the joy you feel when a client gets it that nothing is fundamentally wrong with her. wow,there can be no greater feeling than that I bet. I sure wish I had had you in my life sooner than I did and I would have got it sooner myself. :)

Judy Roney said...

What you do at work affects the world, just as what you do at home, loving your husband, children and grands affect the world. You are such a wonderful addition to this world.