Thursday, February 08, 2007

Time has passed fast this week -shouldn't be Thursday night already. My weeks are located in perceived time passage. Tuesday morning to Friday evening, when I am working a lot, seems to pass in a breath - fifteen mine's rather than four full days. Friday evening through Monday evening - my time more for myself and family flows gently and I am more mindful and focused on experiences. This is the second time in recent memory that I think about those long weekends as pleasant precursors of eventual retirement. Work is still satisfying though - richly satisfying this week though many people have been suffering more than usual. There have bee several deaths affecting my client group and I think the continuing winter is beginning to get people down (Ruth and I saw the first flowering tree yesterday - some sort of fruit tree- but it seems very premature. No red buds even hinting yet)

A highlight of the week was going on the Fun Bus in the evening yesterday with Ruth and the Kids. They bounced and swung from bars, slid, tumbled, chased, laughed. Good strong physical kids - happy in their bodies. When darkness fell and we left the bus, Danny proclaimed "I loved going on the Fun Bus!" Later, after dinner and homework, Ruth rode her bike up and down her street and the kids jagged along with her. I walked and didn't keep up, but enjoyed being out in the mild evening air. Today its wet again and back down in the low fifties

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