Monday, January 31, 2011

Seventy something this afternoon, seventeen tomorrow night. Texas weather really is a cliche (If you don't like it stick around and it will change.) I actually like the sudden shifts, especially in winter. It's been a hard week. We have a new grave in the back yard. Liam's little dog Duffy suffered sudden paralysis last Thursday and had to be put down. I was proud of Ruth, who was the adult in charge of decisions because Chris was at work. I felt sad for Liam, who loved LOVED his dog Duffy and who is actually doing quite well accepting that his dog is dead and that is sad. K.K. cried and cried, partly her age and partly her nature. Bob was and is a steady presence and made me smile toasting Duffy with soda when we went to Phil's IceHouse for a consolation meal after we buried the sweet little dog.

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