Monday, March 04, 2013

Family Monday

It's Joe's last full day here, and a sweet day. I like having him here on an ordinary day in the midst of all our Monday off to school routines. It has been so healing for me to have this visit, all of us clearly acutlely aware of Heidi's absence and mourning her, telling lots of Heidi stories, hard and happy, and also playing board games with Liam, enjoying meals, sharing plans and ideas for the rest of our lives. The statement I've heard so many times that we humans need to be able to speak the names of our beloved dead to others who care about us and about them has been a defining truth of this weekend.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Yes, we do need to speak the name of our beloved dead to others! I agree with that. I am glad that you found it a healing time for you to have Joe's visit. I am sure it was a healing time for him too.