Thursday, August 04, 2011

This is a hard time for me, and I don't know quite why. Catching the pace at work after the sadness and emotional connection of Diane's celebration of life has been challenging. The intense heat, 110. 112, 108, has me daunted, not so much physically as in terms of global warming, fears about what we have done to our planet, what we will leave our grand children. It depresses me, not like clinical depression but like existential despair. Also many people I know are struggling with medical and emotional crisis, real ones. I hate being only human, so limited in my ability to make a real difference, especially in face of illness.


Mary said...

I understand the existential despair...I see so much suffering around me right now too, with friends, with the economy as it is. Sometimes it is hard not just to feel helpless.

Bob H said...

I often try to ignore my fears about what kind of planet we will leave our grandchildren but, although unpleasant, I do need to be in touch with that periodically so I do a little more to, if not stop it, to try, like Camus's Sisyphus pushing the rock up the mountain.

Victoria said...

Mary and Bob, both of you are good at keeping pushing the rock up the hill even when it feels hopeless. Thaks for the reminder Bob. Another version of "Do the right thing anyway."