Sunday, November 01, 2015

A good day

Today the weather was beautifully mild and breezy.  Attending All Saints Day service was just right.  The Catholic words aren't my words, but the music was beautiful and the sense of blessing was profound in the church.  the priest read the beatitudes in a beautifully resonant voice and being in that church, near the campus where I went to college, and with dear friends from that era, was exceptionally sweet.  After church I helped a friend who has chronic health problems with some cleaning.  That felt good too.  Being able to help is one of the things for which I am most thankful.

It's funny how months get associated with different themes.  If October is about a mystical shift into fall and a thinning of the veil between the living and the dead, November in the USA seems to be about thanks(giving).  On this first day of November I feel especially thankful for my beloved dead and the world's beloved dead - those who have created art, literature, music, science, great ideas, as well as those who have loved and touched me personally.    

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