Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today was a good gentle day. KK came back fed and happy with homework done from a good visit with her mother, Tracy, and sibs in San Antonio. She seemed really peaceful and just generally in a good mood upon her return. Earlier today Ruth and Chris and Liam worked hours on building our first Sukkot ever in our back yard. Later I helped too, also did some just general yard clean up. It felt good to be outside on a mild rainy afternoon working with people I love. I also got to go to Bob's school with him for a while and make order - just a peaceful day without the spiritual intensity of the next few days. Tomorrow I will go back to Bob's school with the intention of tutoring two kids who are refugees from Burma. I'm nervous. They don't have much English and I'm afraid I won't be helpful, but I want to try.


Mary said...

Glad to hear about your positive day. Glad rma.KK had a nice visit with mother. Could you explain what a Sukkot is? How nice that you will be working with students in Bob's class who are refugees from Burma. I think you will do fine. When E & E first came to the US, they worked with a teacher who had students who spoke many languages. Somehow she managed to connect, and the girls learned. I know you will find the way.

Diane T. said...

How enjoyable your day must have been, and so glad that KK had a nice visit with her mother in San Antonio. I am sure you will do well working with the refugee kids!

Judy Roney said...

Sounds like you all had a peaceful day, Victoria.
You will be an excellent, very patient teacher, I know. You always are.
Your lovely family does so many interesting and fun the Sukkot now.