Thursday, March 05, 2009

I saw blue eyed grass today and mealy sage - think I want to make a list of wildflowers I see this spring with the dates of first appearance. My work day was more challenging than usual - a need to reprogram our phone system was pressing, but was completed. Several friends are ill or facing difficult diagnosies, which has me in prayerful mode. I saw pictures from Liam's naming - WOW! Life is so rich and varied and I'm not in profound mode - just here.


Judy Roney said...

We have perfect weather here in Florida after having some very cold so I'm feeling "springy" all over again so I'm in tune to this post. I am wondering what blue eyed grass would look like though.

Joe Hendricks said...

You should see Heidi's amaryllis! 3 feet high with 4 HUGE blooms :-)

Judy Roney said...

What fun to look up blue-eyed grass (I've SEEN it!) and mealy sage. How do you know the names of these things? I see them but never thought about them having a name I don't suppose. The wildflowers grow more rampant in NC and I find myself more curious about them. I'm learning from you and that's always nice.